Contents Only

Covering your personal belongings only

Your Contents Only Insurance Product Comparison at a Glance


This product comparison table is intended to provide a snap shot of the policy coverage available through Insurance4Earth. It provides a description of risks that are covered, those that are not covered, including additional benefits and optional covers. It does not provide a complete statement of the cover offered, any exclusions under the policy, or conditions and/or all limits that may apply under each type of Cover. You should carefully read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and all policy documentation for full details.

Policy Coverage
Listed Events
Accidental Damage
Blue Zebra, Hollard
Blue Zebra, Hollard, QBE
Blue Zebra, Hollard, QBE
Accidental destruction, loss or damage

Accidental Damage covers any loss or damage that is not specifically excluded under the policy along with any Additional Benefits noted below
Listed Events

Basic covers those events listed in the policy along with any Additional Benefits noted below

Listed Events covers those events listed in the policy along with any Additional Benefits noted below
Listed Events
Fire / Explosion
Earthquake / Tsunami
Burglary or Housebreaking
Vandalism / Malicious Damage
Deliberate / Intentional Acts


Blue Zebra
Escape of Liquid
Electric Motor Burnout

Broken Glass & Similar
Riots / Civil Commotion / Industrial or Political Disturbances
Impact by Aircraft / Spacecraft
Impact by Falling Tree
Impact by Falling TV / Antenna / Power Pole
Impact by Animal / Bird
Impact by Vehicles / Watercraft
Storm / Rainwater / Hail / Wind
Storm Surge


Blue Zebra

Hollard, QBE

Blue Zebra


Blue Zebra, Hollard
Landslide or Subsidence
Power Surge
Animal Damage – Not Normally Kept at Situation
Additional Benefits
Food and Medication Spoilage

Replacing Important Documents
Alternative Accommodation &
Additional Living Expenses –
Tenants/Strata Title Owners
Removal & Storage of Contents – Situation Unliveable
Contents of Invited Guests

Blue Zebra, Hollard

Credit Card Fraud
Money / Negotiable Instruments of Invited Guests

Blue Zebra, Hollard

Contents in Commercial Storage -
(excludes jewellery, money or
negotiable instruments)
Contents in Transit to a New Address or Commercial Storage
Removal of Contents Debris
Security Attendance Fees
Minimum 3 Star Energy Rating Replacement – Fridge / Washing Machine / Dryer / Dishwasher

Blue Zebra

Hollard, QBE
Identity Theft

Blue Zebra, Hollard

Temporary Contents Cover - Total Loss

Blue Zebra, Hollard

Tax Audit

Blue Zebra, Hollard

Professional Fees – Preparation of claim


Blue Zebra, Hollard
Fire Brigade or Similar Attendance Fees
Denial of Access
Prevention of Further Loss or Damage to Your Building or Contents
Pet Cover – Road Accident / Lightning / Earthquake / Burglary
Compenation for Death, Paraplegia, Quadriplegia or Permanent Disablement

Blue Zebra, Hollard


Blue Zebra, Hollard

Counselling Following Fire/Theft

Blue Zebra, Hollard

Removal of Trees - Following Storm Damage
Un-Occupancy Period
Keys and Locks Replacement
Electrical or Mechanical Breakdown
Loss or Damage Caused by Defects or Faulty Design/Workmanship – Storm / Storm Surge / Flood / Rainwater / Hail / Wind
Contents in the Open Air at Insured
Address – Flood, Storm, Storm Surge,
Rainwater, Wind, Hail & Theft
Contents Away from the Insured
Address – Temporary Removal
Personal Items Away from the Insured
Address – Aggravated Theft
Contents at Your New Address
Limits of Cover - Content
Pedal Cycles

Limit $5,000

QBE - No sublimit

Blue Zebra, Hollard - Limit $5,000

QBE - No sublimit

Blue Zebra, Hollard - Limit $10,000
Tools of Trade at Situation – Office Equipment

Limit $5,000

Hollard, QBE - Limit $5,000

Blue Zebra - Limit $10,000

Limit $10,000
Tools of Trade at Situation – Office Equipment

No sublimit

No sublimit

No sublimit
Money and Negotiable Instruments

Limit $1,200

Limit $1,200

Limit $2,000
Paintings, Prints & Tapestries, Persian Rugs, Antiques & Works of Art

Hollard - Limit of $5,000 and $1,000 any one item, pair or collection

Blue Zebra - No sublimit

Hollard - Limit of 25% in total of Contents SI and $10,000 any one item, pair or collection

Blue Zebra, QBE - No sublimit

No sublimit
Unattached Accessories and Spare Parts

Limit $1,500 per item, $2,500 total

Limit $1,500 per item, $2,500 total

Limit $2,000 per item, $4,000 total
Data and Data Restoration

Limit $1,000

Blue Zebra, Hollard - Limit $1,000

QBE - No sublimit

Limit $2,000
Sporting Equipment (Not in Use)

No sublimit

No sublimit

No sublimit
Portable Electronic Equipment

No sublimit

No sublimit

No sublimit
Valuables - Jewellery & Watches

Sublimits apply - refer to your PDS for details

Sublimits apply - refer to your PDS for details

Sublimits apply - refer to your PDS for details
Valuables - Items Covered in Gold & Silver

Sublimits apply - refer to your PDS for details

Sublimits apply - refer to your PDS for details

Sublimits apply - refer to your PDS for details
Valuables - Collections of Stamps / Money / Medals

Sublimits apply - refer to your PDS for details

Sublimits apply - refer to your PDS for details

Sublimits apply - refer to your PDS for details
Optional Covers – Content
Specified Valuable Items
Specified Portable Items

Automatically covered
Unspecified Portable Items

Automatically covered
No Excess for Optional Cover Claims


Blue Zebra - $200


Blue Zebra - $200
QBE - Content Basic Excess


Blue Zebra - $200
QBE - Content Basic Excess
Legal Liability Cover
Legal Liability Cover
World Wide Legal Liability Cover
Defence Costs
Expenses Incurred in Attending Court
Motor Vehicle Liability
Legal Liability for Committee Members of Sporting Clubs
Buildings Undergoing Renovations, Construction or Alteration

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Before you enter into an insurance contract, you have a duty to tell the insurer anything that you know, or could reasonably be expected to know, that may affect the insurer's decision to insure you and on what terms. You have this duty until the insurer agrees to insure you. You have the same duty before you renew, extend, vary, or reinstate an insurance contract.

For Personal, Domestic and Household insurance contracts, you have an additional duty to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation to the insurer. To ensure you meet your duty, your responses to the insurer's questions must be truthful, accurate and complete.


If you do not tell the insurer anything you are required to, they may cancel your contract, or reduce the amount they will pay you if you make a claim, or both. If your failure to tell the insurer is fraudulent, they may refuse to pay a claim and treat the contract as if it never existed.

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Please read our Financial Services Guide to help you make an informed decision about whether to use the financial services we offer.

Please read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement for full details before deciding about the right cover for you.

Please be aware that all communication will be via phone, email or text. We do not mail any correspondence.